November 6, 2021

13th Anniversary!

Yesterday was the 13th anniversary of the Tektonten Papercraft blog! This year I am sharing a paper model I designed in 2008, the year Tektonten Papercraft began. This is a scale model of the so called "Tower of the Winds" in Athens. I never released the template for this model primarily because as a newbie I didn't know what I was doing at the time and the template is not in a format that is easily shareable! In the future, I hope to rework the the template so I can offer it for sale on Etsy. Thank you to those who have continued to visit my blog all these many years! Also, much thanks to new visitors! Everyone's support is greatly appreciated!


  1. Muchas felicidades por estos 13 años y que vengan muchos más compartiendo e impulsando este bonito arte que nos apasiona a todos que es el papercraft!!!

  2. Parabéns pelo grande, belo e solitário trabalho.

  3. Hello, I have a school project very soon which requires a scale model of the tower of the winds, I would love to buy the template if you already have it available, I need it as soon as possible, thanks for what you do.

    1. Hi. I am so very sorry, but as I said in my post, the model is not ready. It would take a considerable amount of time to complete it which doesn't help you since you need it right away.
