January 16, 2021

Star Wars AT-ST Paper Model

Star Wars Bastelbogen
This papercraft is a rework by Fred Smith of Shunichi Makino's AT-ST model which he released in 2002. Smith improved on Makino's model in several ways. Weathering and battle scarring were added. The paper handrail on top was replaced with wire. The front windows were constructed to be open rather than closed. All exposed paper edges were colored black. These changes make for a much more realistic model than the original. The JPG format template for Smith's repaint may be downloaded here. The first appearance of an AT-ST in a Star Wars movie was the Battle of Hoth scene in The Empire Strikes Back.

Other Star Wars Papercraft:

Hoth Turrent and Cannon
Interdictor-class Star Destroyer
B-wing Starfighter
Darth Vader TIE Fighter
X-34 Landspeeder
Clone Wars Y-wing


  1. make a template

  2. ?? There is a template. Click on the word "here" in the paragraph. It is a link that will take you to the template download website.
