March 4, 2015

Vintage Papercraft Lone Ranger Frontier Town

In the 1940's, Cheerios did an advertising tie-in with the Lone Ranger radio show. On the backs of Cheerios boxes were printed papercraft templates for the various buildings of the Lone Ranger's frontier town. There were nine different box backs in all. Additional buildings, along with four base maps, could be ordered by mail. Scans of each and every part of the frontier town may be viewed at the Trilling Days memorabilia website. According to the site's author, when fully assembled, the base map of the town covered nearly 15 square feet!


  1. That's crying out for a skirmish miniatures game, like Coffins and Tombstones or Gutshot.

  2. Unhappily, the Thrilling days Site is down...

    1. Alas, you are right. Thanks for letting me know. I have changed the link to point to an archived copy of the site where the scans may still be viewed.
