The fifth series in the Digimon television franchise is Digimon Data Squad (in Japan: "Digimon Savers"). The lead character of the series, Marcus Damon (in Japan: Diamon Masaru), makes use of a device known as a Data Link Digivice (in Japan: "Digivice iC"). The device allows digimon monsters to "digivolve" into more powerful versions of themselves. This 1:1 scale paper model of Damon's digivice (my first release of 2012!) was based on a 3D model from the Digimon Masters MMORPG. The lined and unlined PDF templates may be downloaded here.
Where can I find the Digivice papercraft template that I just downloaded?
ReplyDeleteUh,under "My Documents" maybe?
Deletemake the digivice of the other characters
ReplyDeletetrop bien fait !!! :)