Since its release in 1988, the science fiction anime movie
Akira has achieved "cult classic" status. Set in the year 2019, the movie follows the exploits of a Japanese biker gang led by Shōtarō Kaneda. Keneda's motorcycle is a red high-tech racing bike. The distinctive bike has become an icon for the film. This paper model of Keneda's bike was designed by Brad Tate. A free download of the PDF template for the papercraft is available
here. Visual assembly instructions are included in the download. The Akira motorcycle was recently featured in the movie
Ready Player One.
Other Motorcycle Models:
Evel Knieval Skycycle
Yamaha YZR-M1
1911 Harley-Davidson
UPDATE 5/26/20: It has been brought to my attention this papercraft has errors! :( However, this has not prevented people from completing the model. Here are some helpful blog posts from 2005 that show some of the problems and how to fix them: