December 15, 2011

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Papercraft - Dwemer Puzzle Cube

Well I guess I am jumping on the Skyrim papercraft bandwagon. ^^ Given my fondness for decorated cubes, it is only fitting that my first Skyrim model is a Dwemer puzzle cube. In the Elder Scrolls video game series, the Dwemer are a lost race that lived underground. The Dwemer are referred to as "Dwarves" in some parts of the game. The simple one page template for the puzzle cube may be downloaded here. Special thanks to Paperjon at CFSG Papercraft for supplying the textures used in creating this paper model.


  1. any chance i could get the password for the pdf so i can open it in photoshop?

  2. how to get the Password??

    1. No password is required in order to open and print the template in Adobe Acrobat.
